Before you start going through this article you must note that you must be a student with a science background before you can qualify to even apply for admission into any institution in Nigeria offering this course. In the following paragraphs, you will find the WAEC and JAMB Subjects for Engineering Physics which is Under Engineering, and more information.

If you are in search of the list of Universities in Nigeria offering Engineering Physics, then we’ve got you covered. we also have vital information like the Direct Entry requirement for Engineering Physics and special consideration (waiver). Without further ados, below are all the information you need about Engineering Physics.

WAEC Subjects for Engineering Physics

One of the criteria you must possess that is needed to study Engineering Physics in Nigeria universities includes five (5) credit passes in the required subjects which will be listed below. The WAEC Subject combination for Engineering Physics also applies to GCE and NECO. See the WAEC Subjects required for Engineering Physics below:

1). Mathematics.

2). Biology.

3). Chemistry.

4). Use of English Language

5). And any one (1) subject among Physics, Health Science, Geography and Statistics.

JAMB Subjects for Engineering Physics

For all the UTME candidates, you must note that the JAMB cut-off mark for this Engineering Physics is 180. But, we will admonish you to aim for 200 and above to stand in a better position of being among those that will be offered admission. Below is the required JAMB Subject combination for Engineering Physics:

1). Biology

2). Chemistry

3). Mathematics/Physics.

NOTE: You can get admission through other means like IJBM, JUBEB, ND, or Predegree. This means that JAMB doesn’t happen to be the only option for admission.

Engineering Physics Direct Entry Requirement

If you don’t want to apply to study Engineering Physics through UTME, then you will have to satisfy the requirements to gain Direct Entry admission to study Engineering Physics in any higher institution in Nigeria. See the requirements below:

  • ‘A’ level passes in Mathematics and Physics.


  • OAU accepts Chemistry instead of Mathematics.

Universities in Nigeria offering Engineering Physics

  • OAU (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife)

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